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Robust & Rugged Interconnect Solutions for UAS

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PIC Wire & Cable was approached by a leading OEM to develop a high-frequency interconnect solution for an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS). This UAS, designed for reconnaissance and surveillance, provides critical intelligence information about enemy activities. Key features of the UAS include vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) capabilities, contested logistics, on-the-move command and control, swappable payloads, unmatched endurance and useful load, multi-domain operations, and a modular open system.


Create an interconnect solution that could meet stringent performance requirements in demanding aerospace environments while adhering to their tight product development


The PIC team quickly generated a custom drawing to meet the specified requirements:

  • Low Loss (EMI Protection): Ensuring minimal signal interference for high-frequency transmission.
  • Weight Reduction: Utilizing lightweight materials to enhance UAS performance.
  • Ease of Installation: Designing for a flexible bend radius to simplify the installation process.

After obtaining design approval, skilled technicians meticulously crafted the cable assembly. Each cable underwent rigorous testing to ensure compliance with system specifications. Detailed documentation, including performance metrics, lot traceability and serialization were maintained through the process. The ready-to-install assemblies were delivered within the required timeline, facilitating seamless integration into the UAS.

Partner with PIC Wire & Cable for your next interconnect project and experience the expertise and reliability that leading OEMs trust. Contact us today to discuss your specific requirements and discover how we can support your mission-critical & time-sensitive applications.

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